基本的にアメリカ英語が “fall” で、イギリス英語が “autumn” です。
ただ、アメリカ英語でもフォーマルな場面では “autumn” が用いられることが多いようです。
紅葉 |
fall/autumn leaves |
枯れ葉 |
dead/dry leaves |
落ち葉 |
fallen leaves |
もみじ |
Japanese maple |
いちょう |
ginko |
どんぐり |
acorn |
松ぼっくり |
pinecone |
月見 |
viewing moon |
団子 |
rice dumpling |
ススキ |
silver grass |

英語では日本語のように「紅葉」という特別な言葉があるわけではないので、”fall/autumn leaves” の他にもいろいろな言い方ができます。
・red / yellow leaves
・autumn / fall colors
・autumn / fall foliage
※”foliage” は「葉」「枝葉」の意味で、草木がつける葉全体を表す集合的な名詞です。
「紅葉する」は “The leaves turn red / yellow” で表せます。
The leaves have started turning yellow/red.
The leaves are changing colors.
The autumn leaves are breathtakingly beautiful.
This is the best season to see autumn colors.

「月見」も日本独自の文化で、英語にすることが難しい言葉ですが、”moon viewing” か “viewing the moon” と言えます。
We have a festival called “Otsukimi” which means “viewing the moon”.
Otsukimi is a festival to enjoy the full-moon in the middle of the autumn. It’s called “Jugoya” also.
We decorate with silver grasses and rice dumplings at the Jugoya.
The purpose is also to be thankful to the moon for a good harvest.
I feel calm when I’m viewing the beautiful moon.

涼しい |
cool |
肌寒い |
chilly |
気候 |
climate |
気温 |
temperature |
It is neither hot nor cold.
The climate during Autumn is comfortable.
The average temperature in October is about 18 degrees.
It’s cool and nice today.
It’s a little chilly today.
It’s starting to get cooler recently.
It’s getting more pleasant since we entered September.
There are still hot days in September.
I feel relieved now that autumn has come, because It was hot and terrible every day during the summer.

サンマ |
(Pacific) saury |
栗 |
chestnut |
サツマイモ |
sweet potato |
松茸 |
Matsutake mushroom |
梨 |
Japanese pear |
柿 |
persimmon / kaki |
In Japan, we have a lot of seasonal delicious food in the autumn.
Autumn is a great season for food.
Saury is tasty in the autumn.
I feel like eating chestnut rice when autumn comes.
Sweet potatoes and chestnuts are in season now.
※in season=旬
Now is the best season for Japanese pear.
※“Now/It is the best season for~” も「今が旬」であることを伝
Matsutake mushroom is expensive because it’s difficult to grow.
Matsutake mushroom is aromatic and has a good texture.