









地震 earthquake
余震 aftershock
マグニチュード magnitude / Richter scale
震度 seismic intensity / Japanese earthquake scale(intensity)
震源 epicenter
気象庁 The meteorological agency
緊急地震速報 Earthquake early warning / Earthquake alert

最も基本の言葉となる「地震」は英語で ”earthquake” で、発音をカタカナにすると「アースクウェィク」のようになります。


I feel the ground / earth shaking.


「地震の揺れ」は ”ground shaking” もしくは “earth shaking” と言えます。

The ground is shaking!


Was that an earthquake?


There was a minor earthquake a minute ago.


minor:弱い ⇔ major:強い

「小さな/大きな地震」は “a small / big earthquake” で表せます

The quake was (intensity) level 3.


“quake” は ”earthquake” の省略形です。

震度は “seismic intensity” が正式名称ですが、日常会話では“level” でも表せます。intensity (強度)を加えるとより分かりやすいです。

The earthquake alert started beeping.


There are still aftershocks, so be careful of them.


The meteorological agency said the epicenter is Chiba prefecture.



Earthquakes can occur anywhere in Japan.


It’s really scary because you never know when an earthquake will happen.


There are more than 2000 earthquakes annually, including small ones.



Most Japanese are accustomed to earthquakes but still, big quakes are scary.


be accustomed to~: ~に慣れている

but still:それでも

The earthquake warning starts alerting us a few seconds on our smartphones before a big earthquake comes.



マグニチュード magnitude / Richter scale
震度 seismic intensity / Japanese scale (intensity)
~弱 lower
~強 upper

※“Richter scale”(リヒター/リクター・スケール) の ”Richter” はアメリカの物理学、地震学者の名前からとられています。大きな地震の時には “magnitude” の方が使われます。

“seismic” は専門的用語で、日常的にはあまり使われませんが、地震に関する文書ではよく見られます。

※“Intensity” は「強度」の意味です。

震度5弱の地震:an earthquake with an intensity of lower 5.

震度5強の地震:an earthquake with an intensity of upper 5.

Magnitude measures the amount of energy at the earthquake’s epicenter.


Seismic intensity measures the degree of shaking at a certain point.



The seismic intensity is measured according to your location.


Magnitude is used internationally, but the usage of seismic intensity differs from country to country.


The Japanese scale has a maximum of 7.


We call seismic intensity “Shindo”.


The earthquake had a seismic intensity of upper 5.



巨大地震 huge/giant/enormous/massive earthquake
関東大震災 the Great Kanto Earthquake
東日本大震災 the Great East Japan Earthquake
首都直下型地震 Tokyo Inland Earthquake
南海トラフ地震 Nankai megathrust Earthquake
防災の日 Disaster Prevention Day

The Great East Japan Earthquake is the biggest earthquake ever recorded in Japan, also, it’s 4th in the world.


The largest earthquake in the world is the Chile Earthquake of 1960. The quake caused tsunami damage at the Sanriku Coast in Japan


September 1st is Disaster Prevention Day in Japan. This day reminds us of the 1923 Great East Japan Earthquake.


It’s predicted that a Nankai megathrust or Tokyo inland Earthquake will occur in the next 30 years.


※occur は「起こる」の意味で、happen よりもフォーマルで客観的なニュアンスとなります。


二次災害 secondary disaster
停電 power outage / blackout
津波 Tsunami / seismic sea wave / tidal wave※
避難所 evacuation shelter
高台 higher ground
浸水 flood

※「津波」は、正式には “seismic sea wave” ですが、会話ではほぼ使われません。現在は “Tsunami” がより一般的な表現となっています。”tidal” は「潮の」の意味で、”Tsunami” より巨大で破壊的なイメージはありません。

※「停電」の言い方はいくつかありますが、日常会話では “blackout” がよく使われます。

We are concerned about tsunami and fire as secondary disasters.


A tsunami warning is announced. Evacuate to higher ground immediately.



A tsunami warning is still issued.



The tsunami warning has been cancelled.


Since our house flooded, we needed to go to an evacuation shelter.


His house was swept away by the tsunami .


be swept away/up by~:~に流される

The big earthquake caused a power outage across this area.


There is a huge fire due to the earthquake in the neighborhood.


※ “Since” “cause” “due to” の使い方はこちらの記事を参考にしてください。


ハザードマップ hazard map / evacuation map
耐震 earthquake resistant
備蓄 stock up on(with)~ / stockpile
非常食 emergency ration / emergency food
防災グッズ emergency kit / emergency supplies
ライフライン public utilities

You should check a hazard map to find where the evacuation shelter is.


You can see the hazard map on the website of the local government


自治体:local goverment / minicipality

Basically, Japanese buildings are highly earthquake-resistant.


earthquake-resistant:耐震性の = “earthquake-proof”

You should better fix large furniture and home appliances in your home in preparation for a big shake.



home appliances:家電

in preparation for~:~に備えて

I have prepared an emergency kit including bottle waters, emergency foods, flash lights, a portable radio and so on, in case of a disaster.


I usually keep some water bottles, canned food and snacks as emergency rations because we don’t know when public utilities could be suspended.


※英語で「ライフライン」 (lifeline) は「命綱」「救命策」などの意味として使い、水や電気、ガスなどの公共サービスは“public utilities” になります。


Stockpiles are very useful in case of an emergency.


※ローリングストック(rolling stock)、日本語で「非常時に備え、少し多めに食料を備え、定期的に消費と補充を繰り返す災害の対策」の意味として生まれた言葉です。


「ローリングストック」に似た意味になる “stock rotation” という言葉が英語にありますが、主にレストランやスーパーマーケットの産業で、業界用語として使われる言葉です。


他に同意語として、 “stock up on ~” が「仕込む」「蓄える」「買い込む」の意味で使えます。

We have stocked up on water bottles in preparation for an emergency.






